Servant of a Dark God by John Brown

"Servant of a Dark God" by John Brown.

“Servant of a Dark God” by John Brown.

Title: Servant of a Dark God
Series: The Dark God
Number in Series: 1 (one)
Author(s): John Brown
Cover Artist: Raymond Swanland
Interior Artist(s): Ellisa Mitchell
Language: English
Publisher: Tor Books
Published: October 2009
ISBN-10: 0765322358
ISBN-13: 9780765322357
Notes: Republished as just Servant.

Dominion’s Reach by Diann Thornley

Title: Dominion’s Reach
Series: Unified Worlds
Number in Series: 3 (three)
Author(s): Diann Thornley
Cover Artist: Bruce Jensen
Interior Artist(s): Ellisa Mitchell
Language: English
Publisher: Tor Books
Published: March 1997
ISBN-10: 0312862865
ISBN-13: 9780312862862