The Chrestomanci Quartert by Diana Wynne Jones

"The Chrestomanci Quartet" by Diana Wynne Jones.

“The Chrestomanci Quartet” by Diana Wynne Jones.

Title: The Chrestomanci Quartert
Series: Chrestomanci
Number in Series: 1-4 (one – four)
Author(s): Diana Wynne Jones
Cover Artist: Greg Newbold
Language: English
Publisher: Science Fiction Book Club
Published: December 2000
ISBN-10: 0739414399
ISBN-13: 9780739414392
   “Charmed Life”
   “Witch Week”
   “The Magicians of Caprona”
   “The Lives of Christopher Chant”

The Lives of Christopher Chant by Diana Wynne Jones

"The Lives of Christopher Chant" by Diana Wynne Jones.

“The Lives of Christopher Chant” by Diana Wynne Jones.

Title: The Lives of Christopher Chant
Series: Chrestomanci
Number in Series: 4 (four)
Author(s): Diana Wynne Jones
Cover Artist: Jos. A. Smith
Language: English
Publisher: Greenwillow Books
Published: June 1988
ISBN-10: 0688078060
ISBN-13: 9780688078065