The Secret World of Arrietty

"The Secret World of Arrietty".

“The Secret World of Arrietty”.

Title: The Secret World of Arrietty
Starring: Moisés Arias, Will Arnett, Carol Burnett, Tatsuya Fujiwara, 藤原竜也, David Henrie, Ryunosuke Kamiki, 神木隆之介, Kirin Kiki, 樹木希林, Bridgit Mendler, Tomokazu Miura, 三浦友和, Shinobu Otake, 大竹しのぶ, Amy Poehler, Gracie Poletti, Mirai Shida, 志田未来, Keiko Takeshita, 竹下景子
Director(s): Hiromasa Yonebayashi, 米林宏昌
Producer(s): Toshio Suzuki, 鈴木敏夫
Music: Cécile Corbel
Studio: Studio Ghibli, スタジオジブリ
Released: July 2010
Series: The Borrowers
Number in Series: n/a
Language: Japanese, English
Original Language: Japanese
Original Title: 借りぐらしのアリエッティ (Karigurashi no Arietti)
Notes: Based on The Borrowers by Mary Norton.

The Borrowers Afield by Mary Norton

"The Borrowers Afield" by Mary Norton.

“The Borrowers Afield” by Mary Norton.

Title: The Borrowers Afield
Series: The Borrowers
Number in Series: 2 (two)
Author(s): Mary Norton
Cover Artist: Beth Krush, Joe Krush
Interior Artist(s): Beth Krush, Joe Krush
Language: English
Original Publisher: J.M. Dent
Originally Published: 1955
Publisher: Harcourt Brace & Company
Published: 1986
ISBN-10: 0152101667
ISBN-13: 9780152101664