Title: Cats Complete Original Broadway Cast Recording
Series: Cats
Music Composer: Andrew Lloyd Weber
Lyrics: T.S. Eliot, Trevor Nunn, Richard Stilgoe
Label: Geffen Records
Genre: Soundtracks
Catalog Number: 2031-2
UPC: 07599220312
Released: October 1982
Language: English
Category Archives: humor
The Leading Edge – A Magazine of Science Fiction & Fantasy 3 – edited by Michael W. Reed
Title: The Leading Edge – A Magazine of Science Fiction & Fantasy 3
Series: Leading Edge
Number in Series: 3 (three)
Author(s): David M. Bastian, Shayne Bell, Ron Blankenship, Cara Bullinger, Dave Doering, Melva Gifford, Peter Haymond, Todd Hestor, Barbara R. Hume, Tony Markham, Lorin Patterson, Sonja Porter, Michael W. Reed, Julia Sayers, Romann Schreiber, Diann Thornley, TLE Staff
Editor(s): Michael W. Reed
Cover Artist: Steven Keele
Interior Artist(s): Sharon Barwick, Joe Flores, Alfonso Juarez, Kris Keele, Steven Keele, Carol Lind, Tony Markham, Michelle Miller, Wilson Ong, Frank Paur
Language: English
Publisher: The Leading Edge
Published: 1982
Notes: There are no dates in the magazine, all the art is dated 1982, so used that. Staff list:
Staff List:
Advisors: Prof. Marion K. Smith, Dr. Zane Alder
Managing Editor: Michael W. Reed
Fiction Editor: Shayne Bell
Associate Editors: Cara Bullinger, Sonja Porter, Barbara R. Hume
Art Director: Steven Keele
Assistant Art Director: Sharon Barwick
Budget Director: Dave Doering
Production Manager: Tony Markham
Publicity Director: Rayda Reed
Executive Secretary: Lareena Smith
Assistant Executive Secretary: Melva Gifford
“Editor’s Page” by Michael W. Reed
“Approaching the Edge: Horizons: Interview with Ben Bova” by Dave Doering
“A Hearth on Terra: Part II” by Barbara R. Hume
“Green Forest Mist” poem by Cara Bullinger
“Enterlopy” by Tony Markham
“Hairkidykidy” by David M. Bastian
“Ultimate Video” by Peter Haymond
“Shadow of Hope” by Melva Gifford
“View from the Edge: Flavors of the Sun” by Ron Blankenship
“Legend” poem by Julia Sayers
“Rachel” by Shayne Bell
“Recommended Reading List” by TLE Staff
“Clinging to the Edge: SF as Art” by Michael W. Reed
“With Friends Like You” by Lorin Patterson
“The Vorpal Blade Went Snicker-Snack” by Todd Hestor
“Of Knights, Ladies, and Dragons” poem by Romann Schreiber
“Cosmic Root” by Diann Thornley
“Over the Edge: Interview with “Doc” (Marion K.) Smith” by Sonja Porter and Barbara R. Hume
Myth Directions by Robert Asprin
Title: Myth Directions
Series: Myth Adventures
Number in Series: 3 (three)
Author: Robert Asprin
Cover Artist: Walter Velez
Language: English
Original Publisher: Starblaze
Originally Published: 1982
Publisher: Ace Books
Published: June 1985
ISBN-10: 0441555292
ISBN-13: 9780441555291
B.C. – A Clam for Your Thoughts by Johnny Hart
Title: B.C. – A Clam for Your Thoughts
Series: B.C.
Number in Series: n/a
Author(s): Johnny Hart
Cover Artist: Johnny Hart
Interior Artist(s): Johnny Hart
Language: English
Original Publisher: Fawcett Gold Medal
Originally Published: December 1981
Publisher: Fawcett Gold Medal
Published: November 1989
ISBN-10: 0449128156
ISBN-13: 9780449128152
Notes: 4th printing
Cats Original London Cast Recording
Title: Cats Original London Cast Recording
Series: Cats
Music Composer: Andrew Lloyd Weber
Lyrics: T.S. Eliot, Trevor Nunn, Richard Stilgoe
Label: Geffen Records
Genre: Soundtracks
Catalog Number: 9 2017-2
UPC: 075992201728
Released: May 1981
Language: English
The Leading Edge Vol. 1 / Apr. ’81 – edited by Dave Doering, Michael W. Reed, and Rayda Reed
Title: The Leading Edge Vol. 1 / Apr. ’81
Series: Leading Edge
Number in Series: 1 (one)
Author(s): David Michael Bastian, Shayne Bell, Ron Blankenship, Dave Doering, Thom Duncan, March Fox, M.L. Gifford, Barbara R. Hume, Cassandra M. Johns, Michael W. Reed, Rayda Reed, Romann Schreiber, Lee Steward
Editor(s): Dave Doering, Michael W. Reed, Rayda Reed
Cover Artist: n/a
Interior Artist(s): David Michael Bastian
Language: English
Original Publisher: The Leading Edge
Originally Published: April 1981
Publisher: The Leading Edge
Published: 1986
Notes: This is the first appearance by The Quantum Duck in TLE. by David Michael Bastian
Staff List:
Executive Editor: Dave Doering
Managing Editor: Michael W. Reed
Assistant Editor: Rayda Reed
“Approaching the Edge: Editor’s Page” by Michael W. Reed
“Earthlonging” by Shayne Bell
“Code Z” by Thom Duncan
“Quotient” by M.L. Gifford
“View from the Edge: Saturn and SF” by Ron Blankenship
“Sci-Fi” poem by March Fox
“Lest They Be Gods” by David Michael Bastian
“Heroes” poem by Lee Steward
“That’s Three” by Cassandra M. Johns
“Tribute” by Barbara R. Hume
“Voyager” by Dave Doering
“‘Starman, Why Weepest Thou?'” by Romann Schreiber
“Over the Edge: ‘What’s a Quark?'” by Rayda Reed
Jumanji by Chris Van Allsburg
Title: Jumanji
Series: Jumanji
Number in Series: n/a
Author(s): Chris Van Allsburg
Cover Artist: Chris Van Allsburg
Interior Artist(s): Chris Van Allsburg
Language: English
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin
Published: April 1981
ISBN-10: 0395304482
ISBN-13: 9780395304488
Myth Conceptions by Robert Asprin
Title: Myth Conceptions
Series: Myth Adventures
Number in Series: 2 (two)
Author: Robert Asprin
Cover Artist: Walter Velez
Language: English
Original Publisher: Starblaze
Originally Published: January 1981
Publisher: Ace Books
Published: February 1985
ISBN-10: 0441555217
ISBN-13: 9780441555215
What-a-Mess and the Cat-next-door by Frank Muir
Title: What-a-Mess and the Cat-next-door
Author(s): Frank Muir
Cover Artist: Joseph Wright
Interior Artist(s): Joseph Wright
Language: English
Original Publisher: Price/Stern/Sloan Publishers
Originally Published: 1981
Publisher: Price/Stern/Sloan Publishers
Published: 1984
ISBN-10: 0843110422
ISBN-13: 9780843110425
A Light in the Attic by Shel Silverstein
Title: A Light in the Attic
Author(s): Shel Silverstein
Cover Artist: Shel Silverstein
Interior Artist(s): Shel Silverstein
Language: English
Original Publisher: HarperCollins
Originally Published: 1981
Publisher: Harper
Published: September 2009
ISBN-10: 0061905852
ISBN-13: 9780061905858
Notes: Special edition, includes 12 new poems