Limits by Larry Niven

Title: Limits
Series: Berserker, Draco Tavern, Magic Goes Away
Number in Series: n/a, n/a, n/a
Author(s): Steven Barnes, Dian Girard, Larry Niven, Jerry Pournelle
Cover Artist: Ron Walotsky
Language: English
Original Publisher: Del Rey
Originally Published: February 1985
Publisher: Science Fiction Book Club
Published: February 1985
ISBN-10: none
ISBN-13: none
Catalog Number: 1818 (SFBC)
Notes: All by Larry Niven unless otherwise noted below.
   “The Lion in His Attic” (Magic Goes Away)
   “Spirals” by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle
   “A Teardrop Falls” (Berserker)
   “Talisman” (Magic Goes Away) by Larry Niven and Dian Girard
   “Flare Time”
   “The Locusts” by Larry Niven and Steven Barnes
   “Yet Another Modest Proposal: The Roentgen Standard”
   “Folk Tale” (Draco Tavern)
   “The Green Marauder” (Draco Tavern)
   “War Movie” (Draco Tavern)
   “The Real Thing” (Draco Tavern)
   “Limits” (Draco Tavern)

The Leading Edge Magazine of Science Fiction and Fantasy 11 – edited by Jonathan D. Langford and Edward Liebing

Title: The Leading Edge Magazine of Science Fiction and Fantasy 11
Series: Leading Edge
Number in Series: 1 (one)
Author(s): April Allgaier, Cathleen Barney, Karl F. Batdorff, M. Shayne Bell, Todd Bennett, Charlene Carlisle, Dennis E. Clayson, Craig L. Dalley, Brian Keith Evenson, Clark Farmer, Teresa Keenan, Jonathan D. Langford, Edward Liebing , Frank Maxwell, Neil J. McMichaels, Chad R. Milliner, John B. Rosenman, Julia L. Taylor, Dave Wolverton
Editor(s): Jonathan D. Langford, Edward Liebing
Cover Artist: Steve Keele
Interior Artist(s): Cory Bartholemew, David Bastian, David Michael Bastian, Darin Bell, Blake Crary, Shareen D. Halliday, Keith Kennedy, Edward Liebing, Eddy Mueller, Beverly Nokes, Valerie Rees, Clint Sessions, Michael Woodbury
Language: English
Publisher: Quark – The Science and Fiction Club
Published: 1985
Staff List:
   Executive Editor: Jonathan D. Langford
   Managing Editor: Edward Liebing
   Assistant Editor: Karl F. Batdorff
   Executive Secretary: Valerie Rees
   Editing Director: David Wolverton
   Fiction Director: Chris Halladay
   Nonfiction Director: April Allgaier
   Art Director: Shareen D. Halliday
   Marketing Director: Jennilyn Babcock
   Associate Editors: Charlene Carlisle, Mel L. Gifford, James Wilson
   Staff: David Bastian, Eric Blood, David Doering, Mike Eging, Beverly Farland, Laurel Fearnley, Tom Grover, Polly Harris, Steve Houston, Keith Kennedy, John Landbeck, Per Malm, Eddy Mueller, Beverly Nokes, Eric Nyer, John Pennock, Suzanne Slingerland, Connie Smith, Lareena Smith, Dale Stephenson, Keri Webb, David Wilson, Anne Woddard, Michael Woodbury
   Special Thanks to: Linda Hunter Adams, Elizabeth Pope, Susan Ream, Marion K. Smith, Marjorie Wright
   “Driven to the Edge: Editor’s Page” by Jonathan D. Langford
   “Free Air” by John B. Rosenman
   “Approaching the Edge: Playing the Game: An Interview with Gregory Benford” by Frank Maxwell
   “Fire and Brimstone” by Chad R. Milliner
   “Bob” by Brian Keith Evenson
   “Moon” poem by Clark Farmer
   “A View from the Edge: The Great Shift from Science Fiction to Fantasy” by Jonathan D. Langford
   “It Happened Like This…” by Craig L. Dalley
   “Elegy for a Childhood Friendship” poem by Neil J. McMichaels
   “Road to Candarei” by M. Shayne Bell
   “Over the Edge: Life, the Universe and Everything IV” by April Allgaier
   “The Library” by Teresa Keenan
   “Laundromat: Night” poem by M. Shayne Bell
   “Derahn” by Cathleen Barney
   “The Postman” by David Brin – review by Karl F. Batdorff
   “Always Coming Home” by Ursula K. Le Guin – review by Dave Wolverton
   “Sentenced to Prism” by Alan Dean Foster – review by Julia L. Taylor
   “Myth-ing Persons” by Robert Asprin – review by Charlene Carlisle
   “Speaker for the Dead” by Orson Scott Card – review by Todd Bennett
   “In the Room of the Third Reflection” by Dennis E. Clayson
   “Evanescence” by Charlene Carlisle
   “A Word in Edgewise: Manic Maunderings of a Managing Editor” by Edward Liebing

LDSF 2 – Latter-day Science Fiction – edited by Benjamin Urrutia

Title: LDSF 2 – Latter-day Science Fiction
Series: LDSF
Number in Series: 2 (two)
Author(s): Michael R. Collings, Avram Davidson, Philip José Farmer, Cynthia Goldstone, Merle H. Graffam, Yusuf Haddad, Christophilos Hagios, Rudyard Kipling, Addie Lacoe, Erudil Menashy, Wayne Mykals, Peter C. Nadig, Hugh W. Nibley, William W. Phelps, Parley P. Pratt, D. William Shunn, Scott S. Smith, Robert Louis Stevenson, Sandy Straubhaar, John A. Tvedtnes, Benjamin Urrutia, Jack Weyland, author unknown
Editor(s): Benjamin Urrutia
Cover Artist: n/a
Language: English
Publisher: Parables
Published: 1985
ISBN-10: 0961496010
ISBN-13: 9780961496015
Notes: ISBN on the back cover and on the copyright page is”09611496002″, which is invalid as it’s one digit too long. The correct ISBN is listed above.
   “Introduction: Science Fiction and the Gospel” by Hugh W. Nibley
   “Pebble in Time” by Avram Davidson and Cynthia Goldstone
   “Something in It” by Robert Louis Stevenson
   “Joseph Smith’s Dialogue With the Devil” by Parley P. Pratt
   “A Glimpse of the Millennium” by unknown
   “Haun-ting” by Addie Lacoe
   “The Grave of the King” by Yusuf Haddad
   “The Interrogation” by unknown
   “Stowaway” by Merle H. Graffam
   “Toward the Beloved City” by Philip José Farmer
   “Millennial End” by Addie Lacoe
   “Parables of the World: The Talents; The Two Sons; Pearls Before Swine; The King, the Princess and the Books” by Erudil Menashy
   “Heinlein and the Latter-day Saints” by Benjamin Urrutia
   “The Light of Eden” by Benjamin Urrutia
   “Ad Astra Per Fidem” (poem) by Michael R. Collings✓
   “If You Could Hie to Kolob” (poem) by William W. Phelps
   “More Extraterrestials: Review of ‘Strategie der Gotter, Das Acte Weltwunder’ by Erich von Daniken” by Peter C. Nadig
   “The Children of Michael” by Scott S. Smith
   “Religous Themes in American Science Fiction” by John A. Tvedtnes
   “The Theology of Battlestar Galactica” by John A. Tvedtnes
   “Reviews: The Force That Can Be Explained is Not the True Force; The Dark Side of the Force; He Who Dies But Does Not Perish, The Same Has Everlasting Life” by Benjamin Urrutia
   “The Management Switches Over to Plan B” by Sandy Straubhaar
   “A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood” by Jack Weyland
   “Cut Without Hands” by William Shunn
   “The Late Twentieth Century” by Christophilos Hagios
   “The Conversion of Aurelian McGoggin” by Rudyard Kipling
   “A Midsummer Morning’s Nightmare” by Wayne Mykals

Myth-ing Persons by Robert Asprin

"Myth-ing Persons" by Robert Asprin.

“Myth-ing Persons” by Robert Asprin.

Title: Myth-ing Persons
Series: Myth Adventures
Number in Series: 5 (five)
Author: Robert Asprin
Cover Artist: Walter Velez
Language: English
Original Publisher: Starblaze
Originally Published: December 1984
Publisher: Ace Books
Published: November 1986
ISBN-10: 0441552765
ISBN-13: 9780441552764

Ghostbusters 1 & 2

"Ghostbusters" and "Ghostbusters II".

“Ghostbusters” and “Ghostbusters II”.

Title: Ghostbusters 1 & 2
Starring: William Atherton, Dan Aykroyd, Ernie Hudson, Rick Moranis, Bill Murray, Annie Potts, Harold Ramis, Sigourney Weaver / Dan Aykroyd, Ernie Hudson, Rick Moranis, Bill Murray, Annie Potts, Harold Ramis, Sigourney Weaver
Director(s): Ivan Reitman / Ivan Reitman
Producer(s): Ivan Reitman / Ivan Reitman
Music: Elmer Bernstein / Randy Edelman
Studio: Black Rhino, Delphi Productions, Columbia Pictures / Columbia Pictures
Released: June 1984 / June 1989
Series: Ghostbusters
Number in Series: 1 (one) / 2 (two)
Language: English, French, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish, Thai / English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish (Castilian), Spanish (Latin)
Original Language: English

The Leading Edge Magazine of Science Fiction & Fantasy 8 – edited by David Doering and Jonathan D. Langford

Title: The Leading Edge Magazine of Science Fiction & Fantasy 8
Series: Leading Edge
Number in Series: 8 (eight)
Author(s): Steven K. Barton, Michael Shayne Bell, Dan Burk, David Doering, Jim B. Ellis, Karen Ellis, Mel L. Gifford, Nancy Lynn Hayes, Barbara R. Hume, Jonathan Langford, Connie Ruth Rush
Editor(s): David Doering, Jonathan D. Langford
Cover Artist: James Watson
Interior Artist(s): Sharon Barwick, David Bastian, Steve Keele, Ron Shirtz, James Watson
Language: English
Publisher: Quark – The Science and Fiction Club
Published: 1984
Staff List:
   Executive Editor: David Doering
   Managing Editor: Jonathan D. Langford
   Executive Secretary: David Wolverton
   Editing Director: Virginia E. Baker
   Fiction Editor: Mel L. Gifford
   Nonfiction Editor: Amelia L. McClure
   Art Director: James Watson
   Associate Editors: M. Shayne Bell, Lareena Smith
   Staff: Delayna Anderson, Russell Asplund, Jenni Babcock, Sharon Barwick, Karl Batdorff, Dave Bastian, Ron Blankenship, Vicki Brinkmeier, Karen Ellis, Beverly Farland, Tom Grover, Nancy Hayes, Mariann Howarth, Terry Jeffress, Steve Keele, Pet Malm, Ed Phippen, Connie Rush, Jim Sather, Bill Schuler, Cindy Skinner, Keri Webb, Jamie Whalen, David Wilson
   Special Thanks to: Linda Hunter Adams, Elizabeth Pope, Susan Ream, Marion K. Smith, Marjorie Wright
   “Driven to the Edge: Editor’s Page” by David Doering
   “Wall Street Wizardry” by Dan Burk
   “Approaching the Edge: The Sheer Joy of Storytelling: An Interview with C. J. Cherryh” by Michael Shayne Bell
   “Split Personality” by Nancy Lynn Hayes
   “View from the Edge: Always Working on a Book: An Interview with Frederik Pohl” by Connie R. Rush
   “First Contact: A Play in One Act” by Michael Shayne Bell
   “Young Rissa” by F. M. Busby – review by Karen Ellis
   “Raphael” by R. A. MacAvoy – review by Nancy Lynn Hayes
   “The River of Dancing Gods” by Jack L. Chalker – review by Nancy Lynn Hayes
   “Oh Vile Dragon” by Steven K. Barton
   “Dragon” by Jim B. Ellis
   “The Only Sure Escape” by Connie Ruth Rush
   “Star Weaver” poem by Mel L. Gifford
   “L. A. Con II: A World Con for All Fans…” by Barbara R. Hume
   “A Word in Edgewise: Report from the Managing Editor” by Jonathan Langford

The Leading Edge Magazine of Science Fiction & Fantasy 7 – edited by David Doering and Robert A. Steimle

Title: The Leading Edge Magazine of Science Fiction & Fantasy 7
Series: Leading Edge
Number in Series: 7 (seven)
Author(s): M. Shayne Bell, Ron Blankenship, Doug Campbell, David Doering, Mel. L. Gifford, Nancy Lynn Hayes, Barbara R. Hume, Jonathan Langford, Alan D. Manning, Kristy Merrill, Mandy Nakommen, David Orr, Rayda Reed, Lareena Smith, Marion K. Smith, P. Karen Todd, Stephen C. Walker, James Watson
Editor(s): David Doering, Robert A. Steimle
Cover Artist: David Bastian
Interior Artist(s): David Michael Bastian, Brian Bird, Steve Keele, Don Maitz, Jeff Poffenberger, Ron Shirtz, Nancy Tanner, James Watson
Language: English
Publisher: Quark – The Science and Fiction Club
Published: 1984
Notes: No publication date given in issue, year obtained from dated art and theme of issue (“1984”).
Staff List:
   Executive Editor: David Doering
   Managing Editor: Robert A. Steimle
   Assistant Editor: Jonathan D. Langford
   Fiction Editor: Mel. L. Gifford
   Nonfiction Editor: Amelia L. McClure
   Art Director: James Watson
   Marketing Director: Jerry Loomis
   Associate Editor: Nancy Lynn Hayes
   Technical Advisor: M. Shayne Bell
   Art Staff: David Bastian, Brian Bird, Steven Keele, Jeff Poffenberger, Ron Shirtz, Nancy A. Tanner
   Staff: Ronald W. Blankenship, Tom Grover, Vicki Brinkmeier, Peter Haymond, Mariann Howarth, Barbara Hume, Carolyn Larsen, Christian Larsen, LuAnn Mason, Jerrie Morrow, Connie Rush, Jim L. Sather, Cindy Skinner, Lareena Smith, Kathryn Summers, Nancy A. Tanner, Keri Webb, David Wilson
   Special Thanks to: Elizabeth Pope, Susan Ream, Marion Smith, Marjorie Wright, Linda Hunter Adams
   “Driven to the Edge: Editor’s Page” by David Doering
   “Rocksong” by Rayda Reed
   “Approaching the Edge: Significance of Sound in Names Found in Fantasy Literature” by Alan D. Manning
   “Hard Knocks” by Lareena Smith and Ron Blankenship
   “To Prove the Warrior” by Mel. L. Gifford
   “The White Flash” by Kristy Merrill
   “Visions of the Edge: An Interview with Don Maitz” by David Doering
   “Chef’s Choice” by Barbara R. Hume
   “The Token” by Mandy Nakommen
   “Standard Procedure” by James Watson
   “View from the Edge I: The I. R. S. as Big Brother: ‘1984’ in 1984” by Stephen C. Walker
   “The Test” by P. Karen Todd
   “View from the Edge II: ‘1984’ as Preventative Prophecy” by Marion K. Smith
   “Dark Between the Stars” by M. Shayne Bell
   “Home 2180 a.d.” by Jonathan Langford
   “Shadow Walker” by M. Shayne Bell, Nancy Lynn Hayes, Jonathan Langford, and Lareena Smith
   “Over the Edge: Science and Sorcerers: A Casual Look at Role- (Roll-) Playing” by David Orr
   “The Book of God” by Doug Campbell

The Leading Edge: The Magazine of Science Fiction & Fantasy 6 – edited by David Doering

Title: The Leading Edge: The Magazine of Science Fiction & Fantasy 6
Series: Leading Edge
Number in Series: 6 (six)
Author(s): Virginia E. Baker, David M. Bastian, M. Shayne Bell, Dan L. Burke, David Doering, Mel. L. Gifford, Nancy Lynn Hayes, Barbara R. Hume, Carolyn Nicita, Amy Parker, Bill Schuler, Lareena Smith, Diann Thornley, Burdean R. Wirtz
Editor(s): David Doering
Cover Artist: James Christensen
Interior Artist(s): David Bastian, James Christensen, Joe Flores, Steven Keele, Laurelle, Leslie Perdew, James Watson
Language: English
Publisher: The Leading Edge
Published: 1984
Staff List:
   Publisher: Lareena Smith
   Executive Editor: David Doering
   Executive Secretary: Jonathan Langford
   Fiction Editor: Mel L. Gifford
   Nonfiction Editor: Helen Orr
   Poetry Editor: Robert A. Steimle
   Art Director: James Watson
   Production Editor: M. Shayne Bell
   Associate Editors: Virginia E. Baker, M. Shayne Bell, Nancy Lynn Hayes, Barbara Hume, Jonathan Langford, Lareena Smith
   Art Staff: David Bastian, Joe Flores, Steven Keele, Leslie Perdew
   Staff: Vicki Brinkmeier, Karen Ellis, Peter Haymond, Carolyn Larsen, Christian Larsen, LuAnn Mason, Jerrie Morrow, David Orr, Amy Parker, Cindy Skinner, Bill Schuler, Nancy Tanner
   Editors Emeritus: Cara Bullinger, Sonja Porter, Michael W. Reed, Rayda Reed
   Special Thanks to: Elizabeth Pope, Susan Ream, Marion Smith, Marjorie Wright
   “Driven to the Edge: Editor’s Page” by David Doering
   “Midnight Mandate” poem by Burdean R. Wirtz
   “Truth or Consequences” by Barbara R. Hume
   “Approaching the Edge: Kindly in the Mirror: An Interview with Dean Ing” by Amy Parker
   “Eye Hath Not Seen” by Carolyn Nicita
   “A Witch’s Christmas” by Michael Shayne Bell
   “Changeling Soul” poem by Virginia E. Baker
   “Loyalty” by Nancy Lynn Hayes
   “Visions of the Edge: Painting That Crazy Stuff: An Interview with James Christensen” by David Doering
   “Arrow’s Song” by Mel. L. Gifford
   “Sunfinder” by Lareena Smith
   “Wizard’s Wine” by Dan L. Burke
   “View from the Edge: A Strange New Speech: Two Gorillas and Language” by M. Shayne Bell
   “The Screw-up Letters or Snodgrass, Why Weepest Thou?” by David Michael Bastian
   “The Distant Legacy” by Diann Thornley
   “Over the Edge: Point / Counterpoint: Two Reviews of ‘The Alliance’ by Gerald N. Lund” by Bill Schuler and Barbara R. Hume

The Easter Bunny That Overslept by Priscilla and Otto Friedrich

"The Easter Bunny That Overslept" by Priscilla and Otto Friedrich.

“The Easter Bunny That Overslept” by Priscilla and Otto Friedrich.

Title: The Easter Bunny That Overslept
Author(s): Otto Friedrich, Priscilla Friedrich
Cover Artist: Adrienne Adams
Interior Artist(s): Adrienne Adams
Language: English
Publisher: Weekly Reader Children’s Book Club
Published: March 1983
ISBN-10: 0688015417
ISBN-13: 9780688015411