Monster Hunter International Employee’s Handbook and Roleplaying Game by Steven S. Long and Larry Correia

"Monster Hunter International Employee's Handbook and Roleplaying Game" by Steven S. Long and Larry Correia.

“Monster Hunter International Employee’s Handbook and Roleplaying Game” by Steven S. Long and Larry Correia.

Title: Monster Hunter International Employee’s Handbook and Roleplaying Game
Series: Monster Hunter
Number in Series: n/a
Author(s): Larry Correia, Steven S. Long
Cover Artist: Sam Flegal
Interior Artist(s): Brett Barkley, Rabbit Boyett, Sam Flegal, Javier Garcia-Miranda, Ben McSweeney, Tony Vassallo
Language: English
Publisher: Hero Games
Published: July 2013
ISBN-10: 1583661468
ISBN-13: 9781583661468
Notes: Correia wrote the short stories in the manual, Long wrote the game.
   “At Your Service” by Larry Correia
   “Maxim-um Fun” by Larry Correia
   “Reckoning Day” by Larry Correia
   “Lawyer Fight” by Larry Correia
   “Down the Chimney” by Larry Correia
   “Archer’s First Day” by Larry Correia
   “It’s in the Blood” by Larry Correia

Spark – A Creative Anthology – Volume II – edited by Brian Lewis

"Spark: A Creative Anthology Volume II" edited by Brian Lewis.

“Spark: A Creative Anthology Volume II” edited by Brian Lewis.

Title: Spark: A Creative Anthology, Volume II, July-August 2013
Series: Spark (anthology series)
Number in Series: 2 (two)
Author(s): Andrew Blackman, Simon Bradley, James Burgin, Ashley Capes, Ellen Denton, Christine Edwards, Beatriz Fernandez, Sandy Hiortdahl, Alexis A. Hunter, Sarah Kravitz, Hunter Liguore, Daniel Pearlman, Richard King Perkins II, Jennifer Racek, Kate Raynes, Lisa Reeves, Cynthia Guenther Richardson, Robert J. Sawyer, Scott Skrabal, Michelle Soudier, Brandon Tietz, George Wells, Melissa Ziegler
Editor(s): Brian Lewis
Cover Artist: Charles King
Interior Artist(s): Paul Pederson
Language: English
Publisher: Empire & Great Jones Little Press
Published: July 2013
ISBN-10: 0988807254
ISBN-13: 9780988807259
ISSN: 2326-4772
   “Foreward” by Brian Lewis
   “Perspective” by Michelle Soudier
   “Oh, How We Lived and Died There” poem by Kate Raynes
   “Ultimate Grand Supreme Super Sexy Baby” by Brandon Tietz
   “The Horse Race for Existence” poem by Scott Skrabal
   “Caught in Vagrante” by Daniel Pearlman
   “Alzheimer’s” poem by James Burgin
   “Patron Saint of the Lowlands” by George Wells
   “El Camino Cielo” by Sarah Kravitz
   “Spring Awakening” by Melissa Ziegler
   “Google Earth: Madison County” poem by Lisa Reeves
   “Me” by Hunter Liguore
   “Semi-Detatched” by Simon Bradley
   “Wiping Out” by Robert J. Sawyer
   “Somnus and the March Hare” by Ashley Capes
   “Getting on the Liver Transplant List” poem by Cynthia Guenther Richardson
   “Amulets” poem by Cynthia Guenther Richardson
   “Flames” by Andrew Blackman
   “The Shadow Attached to His Name” by Alexis A. Hunter
   “Monday ^ Erasure of” poem by Sandy Hiortdahl
   “The Barfly from Apartment Twenty-One” by Christine Edwards
   “The Confession” by Ellen Denton
   “The Point of No Return” poem by Beatriz Fernandez
   “The Library at the Center of the World” by Jennifer Racek
   “Translucent Paramours” poem by Richard King Perkins II

Rocket Dragons Ignite – Daily Science Fiction Year Two – edited by Michele-Lee Barasso and Jonathan Laden

"Rocket Dragons Ignite - Daily Science Fiction Year Two" - edited by Michele Lee Barasso and Jonathan Ladan.

“Rocket Dragons Ignite – Daily Science Fiction Year Two” – edited by Michele Lee Barasso and Jonathan Ladan.

Title: Rocket Dragons Ignite – Daily Science Fiction Year Two
Series: Daily Science Fiction
Number in Series: 2 (two)
Author(s): Edoardo Albert, Lou Antonelli, Patricia Ash, Andy Astruc, RJ Astruc, Alec Austin, Scott W. Baker, Peter M. Ball, James Bambury, Michael Banker, A.J. Barr, Jacquelyn Bartel, Matthew W Baugh, Amelia Beamer, James Beamon, Annie Bellet, M. Bennardo, Aimee Vanessa Blume, Bruce Boston, Story Boyle, Eric Brown, Jen Brubacher, Oliver Buckram, Budge Burgess, Stephanie Burgis, Michael Canfield, Dan Campbell, Jennifer Campbell-Hicks, Thomas Canfield, A.G. Carpenter, Jay Caselberg, M.E. Castle, Beth Cato, Ann Chatham, K.S. Clay, Amanda Clark, Maggie Clark, Cassandra Rose Clarke, Krystal Claxton, Ron Collins, Adam Colston, Tina Connolly, Donald S. Crankshaw, Ryan Creel, Elizabeth Creith, Marie Croke, Carrie Cuinn, Jonas David, Amanda C. Davis, Aliette de Bodard, Seth DeHaan, Guy Anthony De Marco, Amalia Dillin, Paul G. Di Filippo, Sarina Dorie, James S. Dorr, Nicky Drayden, S.J. Driscoll, Jakob Drud, Dana Dupont, Frank Dutkiewicz, Paul Ebbs, L.E. Elder, Megan R. Engelhardt, Jasmine Fahmy, Ekaterina Fawl, Shannon Fay, Michael R. Fletcher, Ewan C. Forbes, Eugie Foster, Milo James Fowler, Susan Franceschina, Nancy Fulda, Andrew S. Fuller, Amy Gaertner, Cate Gardner, Stephen Gaskell, Laura Anne Gilman, Ari B. Goelman, Laura E. Goodin, Erik Goranson, Lydia S. Gray, William Greeley, Damien Walters Grintalis, Lee Hallison, Rachel Halpern, D. Robert Hamm, Erin M. Hartshorn, Colin Harvey, Amanda M. Hayes, Alyc Helms, Nina Kiriki Hoffman, C.L. Holland, M.K. Hutchins, Helen Jackson, K.G. Jewell, John Philip Johnson, Thomas F. Jolly, Vylar Kaftan, Rahul Kanakia, Christopher Kastensmidt, Andrew Kaye, Leigh Kimmel, Edward Gary Kratz, Jamie Lackey, David Glen Larson, Richard Larson, D.K. Latta, Nathaniel Matthews Lee, Terra LeMay, Rose Lemberg, Stacey Danielle Lepper, Greg Leunig, David D. Levine, Jeremy Lightner, Marissa Kristine Lingen, Jennifer Linnaea, Ken Liu, Alex Livingston, Mary E. Lowd, Wakefield Mahon, Steven Mathes, Rich Matrunick, Sadie Mattox, Shamus Maxwell, Laura Lee McArdle, Sandra McDonald, Will McIntosh, Melissa Mead, Greg Mellor, D. Thomas Minton, Holli Mintzer, Bernie Mojzes, Lauren K. Moody, Timothy Moore, Grayson Bray Morris, Lisa Nohealani Morton, Jaime Lee Moyer, Steve J. Myers, Mari Ness, Ruth Nestvold, Ian Nichols, Don Norum, Patricia Duffy Novak, Kate O’Connor, Kat Otis, Colum Paget, Carma Lynn Park, Jonathan Fredrick Parks, C. Richard Patton, Craig Pay, Steven L Peck, Kevin Pickett, Sarah Pinsker, Greg Porter, George Potter, Cat Rambo, Stephen V. Ramey, Robert Reed, Melanie Rees, Luc Reid, Alter S. Reiss, Mike Resnick, Shane D. Rhinewald, Julia Rios, A.M. Roelke, Bruce Holland Rogers, Benjamin Rosenbaum, Matthue Roth, Guinevere Robin Rowell, S.A. Rudek, Cheryl Wood Ruggiero, Patricia Russo, Steven Saus, Kenneth Schneyer, John M. Shade, Katherine Heath Shaeffer, Diana Sherman, Alex Shvartsman, Marge Simon, Julian Mortimer Smith, Alexander Stanmyer, Sarah Stasik, David Steffen, Ferrett Steinmetz, Steven R. Stewart, Eric James Stone, Amy Sundberg, Henry Szabranski, Sabina Theo, Sara Thustra, Lavie Tidhar, Garth Upshaw, James Van Pelt, John Van Pelt, Eliza Victoria, Sean Vivier, Chuck Von Nordheim, Devin Wallace, Deborah Walker, Leslie Claire Walker, Douglas F. Warrick, Derek Ivan Webster, Fran Wilde, Brooke Juliet Wonders, James Luke Worrad, Sylvia Spruck Wrigley, Caroline M. Yoachim, Christie Yant, Kathryn Yelinek
Editor(s): Michele-Lee Barasso, Jonathan Laden
Cover Artist: Liz Clarke
Language: English
Publisher: Daily Science Fiction
Published: June 2013
ISBN-10: 0984909311
ISBN-13: 9780984909315
   “Dragons” by Wakefield Mahon
   “Now Until” by Jonathan Fredrick Parks
   “Everlasting” by Fran Wilde
   “Losing One’s Appetite” by Sarina Dorie
   “Modification or Mutation: 8 Ways a Parent Can Be Sure” by Marissa Kristine Lingen
   “Test Drive” by Nina Kiriki Hoffman
   “Requiem Duet, Concerto for Flute and Voodoo” by Eugie Foster
   “HETERO3” by Robert Reed
   “Beauty, Deconstructed” by Adam Colston
   “Spiral” by Sarah Stasik
   “In Vivo” by S.J. Driscoll
   “The Ritual of Names in Prague in the Last Days of the New Empire” by Bernie Mojzes
   “In Memoriam” by Amanda C. Davis
   “This Always Happens Here” by Richard Larson
   “Ten Speeds at the End of the World” by Guinevere Robin Rowell
   “Exit Stage Life” by Cate Gardner
   “Volition” by Alec Austin
   “The Last Seed” by Ken Liu
   “Regret Incorporated” by RJ Astruc and Andy Astruc
   “Totemkill” by Sean Vivier
   “Her Majesty’s Guardian” by Donald S. Crankshaw
   “Wonder” by Matthue Roth
   “Wider and Deeper” by Carma Lynn Park
   “Where Sea and Sky Kiss” by Dan Campbell
   “Canvas” by M.K. Hutchins
   “If Wishes Were Fishes” by Amanda M. Hayes
   “A Concert of Flowers” by Kate O’Connor
   “The Human Guest” by Marge Simon
   “The Farthest Coast” by Jeremy Lightner
   “The Quest Unusual” by David Steffen
   “California Gurls” by S.A. Rudek
   “Free Lunch” by Will McIntosh
   “Spidersong” by Alex Shvartsman
   “My Dearest Miranda” by Jaime Lee Moyer
   “Amy’s First” by Henry Szabranski
   “Selecting” by John M. Shade
   “Sea Charm” by Ann Chatham
   “Junk Silver” by Michael Canfield
   “Like Origami in Water” by Damien Walters Grintalis
   “Geniuses” by Christopher Kastensmidt
   “Tomorrow’s Dawn” by Milo James Fowler
   “Radical Therapy” by Edward Gary Kratz
   “I Kill Monsters” by Nathaniel Matthews Lee
   “Classroom of the Living Dead” by James Van Pelt
   “Dark Swans” by Terra LeMay
   “Call Center Blues” by Carrie Cuinn
   “Time to Go” by Erin M. Hartshorn
   “And The” by Alyc Helms
   “A Great Destiny” by Eric James Stone
   “Ned Thrall” by Amalia Dillin
   “Trading the Days” by M.E. Castle
   “Fields of Ice” by Jay Caselberg
   “The Last Necromancer” by Thomas F. Jolly
   “Silver Sixpence” by Craig Pay
   “Everyone Loves a Hero” by Fran Wilde
   “Everyone Gets Scared Sometimes” by Ari B. Goelman
   “Meet Archive” by Mary E. Lowd
   “Safe Empathy” by Ken Liu
   “The Bicycle Rebellion” by Laura E. Goodin
   “Daddy’s Girl” by Leigh Kimmel
   “Venus at the Streetlight Lounge” by Cheryl Wood Ruggiero
   “Sand-Child” by Marie Croke
   “Looking for a Knight in Shining Armor” by Sylvia Spruck Wrigley
   “A Puddle of Dead” by Grayson Bray Morris
   “The Butcher’s First” by Seth DeHaan
   “Found in the Wreckage” by Marge Simon
   “The Girl in the Next Room is Crying Again” by Peter M. Ball
   “Schrödinger’s Outlaw” by Matthew W Baugh
   “Substitution” by Brooke Juliet Wonders
   “Autopsy” by Budge Burgess
   “A Time to Kill” by Melanie Rees
   “Character is What You Are” by Michael R. Fletcher
   “Inflection” by Tina Connolly
   “Lures, Hooks and Tails” by Adam Colston
   “A Stitch in Space-time” by Nicky Drayden
   “Not a Prince” by Kathryn Yelinek
   “The Black Spirits Which Rage in the Belly of Rogue Locomotives” by Rahul Kanakia
   “Butterfly Shaped Objects” by George Potter
   “Are You There? Are You Safe? Is the Flock Safe?” by D. Robert Hamm
   “Naughty or Nice?” by James S. Dorr
   “Crickets” by William Greeley
   “Don Sebastian’s Treasure” by Colin Harvey
   “Ten Seconds” by Scott W. Baker
   “Gifted and Talented” by Sadie Mattox
   “Lists” by Annie Bellet
   “Cold Cuts” by Don Norum
   “Chit Win” by Deborah Walker
   “Happy Birthday” by Sara Thustra
   “Still Life Through Water Droplets” by D. Thomas Minton
   “The Mind of Allah” by Stephen Gaskell
   “Saviors” by James Beamon
   “Calling Down the Moon” by Diana Sherman
   “Look Who Came to Dinner” by Susan Franceschina
   “Electric Company” by Melissa Mead
   “Things Exist by Imitation of Numbers” by Benjamin Rosenbaum
   “Into the Forest” by Dana Dupont
   “Sixty-one by Seventy” by K.G. Jewell
   “Do I Tell Her?” by Steven L Peck
   “Dumb as Dirt” by Garth Upshaw
   “All or Nothing” by Nancy Fulda
   “The Professor’s Boy” by Erik Goranson
   “The Stoker Memorandum” by Lavie Tidhar
   “Midnight at River’s Edge” by Ron Collins
   “Inconstant Nature” by Colum Paget
   “The Death and Rebirth of Anne Bonny” by Nancy Fulda
   “+1” by James Luke Worrad
   “Good Taste” by Derek Ivan Webster
   “Visiting Planet Earth” by Eric Brown
   “The Long Con” by Megan R. Engelhardt
   “Worlds Like a Hundred Thousand Pearls” by Aliette de Bodard
   “Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Monkey” by Ruth Nestvold
   “Cloudburst” by Robert Reed
   “Biomass” by Alexander Stanmyer
   “Magic Enough” by Chuck Von Nordheim
   “Angry Child” by Benjamin Rosenbaum
   “The Steel Throne” by Eric James Stone
   “The Age of Three Stars” by Kenneth Schneyer
   “The Pencil of Truth” by Shamus Maxwell
   “Joey LeRath’s Rocketship” by Julian Mortimer Smith
   “Pulse” by Stephen Gaskell
   “In Her Arms of Dresden Pale” by Damien Walters Grintalis
   “Nanomite” by Patricia Duffy Novak
   “Digital Blues” by Greg Mellor
   “The Prisoners” by D.K. Latta
   “Nilly” by Benjamin Rosenbaum
   “Saurus” by John Van Pelt
   “Bus Ride to Mars” by Cat Rambo
   “Storytellers” by Jen Brubacher
   “The Procedure” by L.E. Elder
   “The Princess of the Perfume River” by Aliette de Bodard
   “Genie Electric” by Andrew Kaye
   “The Sacred Tree” by Mike Resnick
   “The Way” by Frank Dutkiewicz
   “Painted Haven” by Michael Banker
   “How Love Works” by Stephen Gaskell
   “Prophet” by Laura Lee McArdle
   “Insomnia” by A.G. Carpenter
   “The Take” by Alex Shvartsman
   “Mortal Coil” by Ian Nichols
   “The Heartless Light of Stars” by Aliette de Bodard
   “The Body Shop” by Devin Wallace
   “No Gift of Words” by Annie Bellet
   “Memories of My Mother” by Ken Liu
   “Guaranteed to Work” by Lee Hallison
   “Godshift” by Nancy Fulda
   “The Fabulous Hotel” by Sandra McDonald
   “Frog/Prince” by Melissa Mead
   “In the Unlikely Event” by Ferrett Steinmetz
   “A Different Rain” by Mari Ness
   “Underneath” by Amelia Beamer
   “Offering Solace” by Jamie Lackey
   “The White Raven’s Feather” by David D. Levine
   “What Jerry Knows” by Shane D. Rhinewald
   “This Rough Magic” by Christie Yant
   “After” by C.L. Holland
   “Back In My Day” by Stacey Danielle Lepper
   “Nameless” by Mari Ness
   “Older, Wiser, Time Traveler” by M. Bennardo
   “Rust” by Steven Saus
   “A Case of Curiosities” by Guy Anthony De Marco
   “A Hole in Time” by Amy Gaertner
   “A Slice of 3.141592653589793238462643” by Oliver Buckram
   “Objects in Space” by Alex Livingston
   “Infested” by Stephen V. Ramey
   “A Special Day” by Shannon Fay
   “Undone” by Greg Porter
   “Mad Cats and Englishmen” by Laura Anne Gilman
   “Ella and The Man” by K.S. Clay
   “You’ve Ruined This For Me” by Ewan C. Forbes
   “Dolly at the End of the World” by Amanda C. Davis
   “You Can’t Come Here Any More” by Luc Reid
   “The Bittersweet Here and After” by Maggie Clark
   “Diatra” by Kevin Pickett
   “Seven Losses of Na Re” by Rose Lemberg
   “Clem” by Cassandra Rose Clarke
   “An Old Acquaintance” by K.G. Jewell
   “Dancing in the Dark” by Stephanie Burgis
   “One Childhood of Many” by Andrew S. Fuller
   “The Rush of the Wind and the Roar of the Engines, and the Call of the Open Road” by Lavie Tidhar
   “The Tome of Tourmaline” by Ken Liu
   “Wrong World” by Steve J. Myers
   “Great White Ship” by Lou Antonelli
   “The Call” by Erin M. Hartshorn
   “Dragoman” by Helen Jackson
   “Monsters Big and Small” by Jakob Drud
   “Hoist With an Ark to the Stars” by David Glen Larson
   “The Vault” by Leslie Claire Walker
   “Fantasies” by Jasmine Fahmy
   “The Numbers” by Timothy Moore
   “Wishes” by Patricia Ash
   “Pocket” by Elizabeth Creith
   “Ballad of a Hot Air Balloon-Headed Girl” by Douglas F. Warrick
   “Endgame” by Thomas Canfield
   “Brief Interviews With Therianthropes” by Marissa Lingen and Alec Austin
   “The Girl She Truly Was” by Lauren K. Moody
   “Sapience and Maternal Instincts” by Krystal Claxton
   “The Time of Their Visitation” by Lisa Nohealani Morton
   “The Princess and the Monster” by Ryan Creel
   “An Open Letter in Defense of Our Alien Overlords” by Katherine Heath Shaeffer
   “Metal and Flesh” by Steven R. Stewart
   “Angel Plantation” by Tina Connolly
   “Fairy Tales” by Eliza Victoria
   “Double Exposure” by Lou Antonelli
   “Deathday” by Jonas David
   “British Colonial” by Amanda Clark
   “The Magician of Words” by Ruth Nestvold
   “The Pretty Woman Without Mercy” by Steven Mathes
   “Faerie Food” by Kat Otis
   “Ryan’s World” by Paul Ebbs
   “Dark Roads for the Eternal Ruler” by Eric James Stone
   “Peas, Plots, and Peril” by Melissa Mead
   “The Midnight Knock Again” by Patricia Russo
   “Taking Care of Ma” by Lee Hallison
   “The Watchmaker’s Gift” by Rich Matrunick
   “The Dream of the Night-Shift Power Worker” by Edoardo Albert
   “Sacred Artifacts” by Greg Leunig
   “Answer Man” by A.J. Barr
   “Man on the Moon Day” by Amy Sundberg
   “Suburban Pixies” by Story Boyle
   “Too Careful” by Seth DeHaan
   “X Marks the Spot” by Kat Otis
   “Love, the Mermaids, and You” by Holli Mintzer
   “Disputed Delivery” by Alter S. Reiss
   “The Most Complicated Avatar” by Mary E. Lowd
   “Seven Sins” by Melanie Rees
   “After the Earthquake” by Caroline M. Yoachim
   “The Suicide Witch” by Vylar Kaftan
   “The Cost” by Laura Anne Gilman
   “Broken Glass” by Jacquelyn Bartel
   “The Mechanical Heart of Him” by Cate Gardner
   “The Power of the Cocoon” by Nina Kiriki Hoffman
   “Twenty Ways the Desert Could Kill You” by Sarah Pinsker
   “Henry, Caesar of the Air, His Life and Times, or, The Book of Qat” by Lavie Tidhar
   “Sweet as Peaches” by Shane D. Rhinewald
   “The Curious Case of Version 47.13” by Ekaterina Fawl
   “Dear Editor, Enclosed Please Find My Story About Your Unfortunate Demise” by Luc Reid
   “To Be Undone of Such Small Things” by Damien Walters Grintalis
   “Innocence, Rearranged” by Annie Bellet
   “The Hotel of the Suicides” by Mike Resnick and Sabina Theo
   “Blue and Blue” by Jennifer Linnaea
   “A Measure of You” by C. Richard Patton
   “Bone and Ash and Butterflies” by Julia Rios
   “We Planted The Sad Child, And Watched” by Rahul Kanakia
   “Contagion” by Bruce Holland Rogers
   “Reversals” by M. Bennardo
   “The Watchmaker’s Wife” by Lydia S. Gray
   “Surrounded by the Mutant Rain Forest” by Bruce Boston
   “The Colors” by John M. Shade
   “30 Pounds of Human Tissue” by Jennifer Campbell-Hicks
   “A Wizard At War” by A.M. Roelke
   “Bedtime Story” by Kevin Pickett
   “Watching Rockets” by John Philip Johnson
   “Cartographer’s Ink” by Beth Cato
   “Let’s All Sing Like the Birdies Sing” by Paul G. Di Filippo
   “The Taste of Salt” by Rachel Halpern
   “Overheard at The Platonic Ideal Bar and Grill” by Aimee Vanessa Blume
   “The Mobius Garden” by James Bambury
   “My People, My People” by Stacey Danielle Lepper

Spark – A Creative Anthology – Volume I – edited by Brian Lewis

"Spark: A Creative Anthology Volume I" edited by Brian Lewis.

“Spark: A Creative Anthology Volume I” edited by Brian Lewis.

Title: Spark: A Creative Anthology, Volume I, April-May 2013
Series: Spark (anthology series)
Number in Series: 1 (one)
Author(s): Kaitlin Branch, Valentina Cano, Kari Castor, Margaret Dilloway, Diana Fu, Traci L Gourdine, Linda G Hatton, Alexis A. Hunter, Michael Lee Johnson, Svetlana Kortchik, Matt Lancaster, D. Laserbeam, Hunter Legore, J. Lewis, Darrell Lindsey, Melana Plains, Brian Reeves, Stone Showers, Katie Stephens, Todd Walton, Scott Warrender, George Wells, Hannah Weverka, Peter Wood
Editor(s): Brian Lewis
Cover Artist: Aaron John Gregory
Interior Artist(s): Paul Pederson
Language: English
Publisher: Empire & Great Jones Little Press
Published: April 2013
ISBN-10: 0988807211
ISBN-13: 9780988807211
   “Introduction” by Traci L Gourdine
   “Momentary Forgiveness” by Hunter Legore
   “Tanka” poem by Darrell Lindsey
   “Ever Since I’ve Seen Your Face” by Margaret Dilloway
   “Last Rites” by George Wells
   “Surgical Mass” poem by J. Lewis
   “Becoming” poem by Linda G Hatton
   “Faceless” by Katie Stephens
   “Not a Worry, My Lord” poem by Melana Plains
   “By the Gun” by Alexis A. Hunter
   “Five Hundred” by D. Laserbeam
   “Forget Me Not” by Svetlana Kortchik
   “Moon Sleep” poem by Michael Lee Johnson
   “Going After Nathan” by Todd Walton
   “Gingerbread Towns” by Hannah Weverka
   “Old Age” poem by Matt Lancaster
   “Her Fruitful Shore” by Brian Reeves
   “Image of a Treasure, as a Negative” poem by Valentina Cano
   “His Smile Fixed in Time” by Stone Showers
   “Jael Stands Trial for Murder” poem by Kari Castor
   “Confession” poem by Diana Fu
   “The Littleness of Susan Brauer” by Scott Warrender
   “The Fig Tree” by Peter Wood
   “One Cog Short of Paradise” by Kaitlin Branch

Speculative Japan 3 – Silver Bullet and Other Tales of Japanese Science Fiction and Fantasy – edited by Edward Lipsett

"Speculative Japan 3" edited by Edward Lipsett.

“Speculative Japan 3” edited by Edward Lipsett.

Title: Speculative Japan 3 – Silver Bullet and Other Tales of Japanese Science Fiction and Fantasy
Series: Speculative Japan
Number in Series: 3 (three)
Author(s): Ken Asamatsu, 朝松健, Yukito Ayatsuji, 綾辻行人, Masaya Fujita, 藤田雅矢, Nanami Kamon, 加門七海, Yuri Matsuzaki, 松崎有理, Hiroko Minagawa, 皆川博子, Natsuko Mori, 森奈津子, Issui Ogawa, 小川一水, Riku Onda, 恩田陸, Mark Schultz, Hiroe Suga, 菅浩江, Tōya Tachihara, 立原透耶, Fumio Takano, 高野史緒, Sayuri Ueda, 上田早夕里, Masaki Yamada, 山田正紀
Editor(s): Edward Lipsett
Cover Artist: Naoyuki Katō, 加藤直之
Language: English
Original Language: Japanese, English
Publisher: Kurodahan Press
Published: November 2012
ISBN-10: 490207530X
ISBN-13: 9784902075304
   “Preface” by Edward Lipsett
   “Introduction” by Darrell Schweitzer
   “A White Camellia in a Vase” (立華 白椿) by Ken Asamatsu (朝松健)
   “Heart of Darkness” (心の闇) by Yukito Ayatsuji (綾辻行人)
   “Angel French” (エンゼルフレンチ) by Masaya Fujita (藤田雅矢)
   “A Piece of Butterfly’s Wing” (蝶の断片) by Nanami Kamon (加門七海)
   “The Finish Line” (あがり) by Yuri Matsuzaki (松崎有理)
   “Sunset” (夕陽が沈む) by Hiroko Minagawa (皆川博子)
   “It’s All Thanks to Saijō Hideki” (西城秀樹のおかげです) by Natsuko Mori (森奈津子)
   “To the Blue Star” (青い星まで飛んでいけ) by Issui Ogawa (小川一水)
   “The Warning” (忠告) by Riku Onda (恩田陸)
   “Green Tea Ice Cream” by Mark Schultz
   “Five Sisters” (五人姉妹) by Hiroe Suga (菅浩江)
   “Invisible” (インビジブル) by Tōya Tachihara (立原透耶)
   “Lest You Remember” (空忙の鉢) by Fumio Takano (高野史緒)
   “Fin and Claw” (魚舟・獣舟) by Sayuri Ueda (上田早夕里)
   “Silver Bullet” (銀の弾丸) by Masaki Yamada (山田正紀)

Space Eldritch – edited by Nathan Shumate

"Space Eldritch" edited by Nathan Shumate.

“Space Eldritch” edited by Nathan Shumate.

Title: Space Eldritch
Series: Space Eldritch
Number in Series: 1 (one)
Author(s): D.J. Butler, Michael R. Collings, Larry Correia, Robert J Defendi, Carter Reid, Nathan Shumate, Howard Tayler, Brad R. Torgersen, David J. West
Editor(s): Nathan Shumate
Cover Artist: Carter Reid
Language: English
Publisher: Cold Fusion Media
Published: December 2012
ISBN-10: 1481178318
ISBN-13: 9781481178310
   “Foreword” by Larry Correia
   “Arise Thou Niarlat from Thy Rest” by D.J. Butler
   “Space Opera” by Michael R. Collings
   “The Menace Under Mars” by Nathan Shumate
   “Gods in Darkness” by David J. West
   “The Shadows of Titan” by Carter Reid and Brad R. Torgersen
   “The Fury in the Void” by Robert J Defendi
   “Flight of the Runewright” by Howard Tayler

A Cosmic Christmas – edited by Hank Davis

"A Cosmic Christmas" edited by Hank Davis.

“A Cosmic Christmas” edited by Hank Davis.

Title: A Cosmic Christmas
Series: A Cosmic Christmas
Number in Series: 1 (one)
Author(s): Poul Anderson, Catherine Asaro, Larry Correia, S.N. Dyer, Sarah A. Hoyt, Mercedes Lackey, Seabury Quinn, George O. Smith, Mark L. Van Name, Manly Wade Wellman, Connie Willis, Hank Davis (editor)
Cover Artist: Bob Eggleton
Interior Artist(s): None
Language: English
Publisher: Baen Books
Published: November 2012
ISBN-10: 1451638620
ISBN-13: 9781451638622
   “Kris Kringle Goes Cosmic” by Hank Davis
   “Dance in Blue” by Catherine Asaro
   “Lobo, Actually” by Mark L. Van Name
   “On the Hills and Everywhere” by Manly Wade Wellman
   “Angel in Flight” by Sarah A. Hoyt
   “Mad Holiday” by George O. Smith
   “The Grimnoir Chronicles: Detroit Christmas” by Larry Correia
   “The Vampires Who Saved Christmas” by S.N. Dyer
   “And Visions of Sugar Plums…” by S.N. Dyer
   “The Season of Forgiveness” by Poul Anderson
   “Dumb Feast” by Mercedes Lackey
   “Roads” by Seabury Quinn
   “Newsletter” by Connie Willis

Diverse Energies – edited by Tobias S. Buckell and Joe Monti

"Diverse Energies" edited by Tobias S. Buckell and Joe Monti.

“Diverse Energies” edited by Tobias S. Buckell and Joe Monti.

Title: Diverse Energies
Editor(s): Tobias S. Buckell, Joe Monti
Cover Artist: John Picacio
Language: English
Publisher: Tu Books
Published: October 2012
ISBN-10: 1600608876
ISBN-13: 9781600608872
   “The Last Day” by Ellen Oh
   “Freshee’s Frogurt” by Daniel H. Wilson
   “Uncertainty Principle” by K. Tempest Bradford
   “Pattern Recognition” by Ken Liu
   “Gods of the Dimming Light” by Greg van Eekhout
   “Next Door” by Rahul Kanakia
   “Good Girl” by Malinda Lo
   “A Pocket Full of Dharma” by Paolo Bacigalupi
   “Blue Skies” by Cindy Pon
   “What Arms to Hold Us” by Rajan Khanna
   “Solitude” by Ursula K. Le Guin

Epic – Legends of Fantasy – edited by John Joseph Adams

"Epic - Legends of Fantasy" edired by John Joseph Adams

“Epic – Legends of Fantasy” edired by John Joseph Adams

Title: Epic – Legends of Fantasy
Editor(s): John Joseph Adams
Cover Artist: John Coulthart
Language: English
Publisher: Tachyon Publications
Published: October 2012
ISBN-10: 1616960841
ISBN-13: 9781616960841
   “Homecoming” by Robin Hobb
   “The World of Unbinding” by Ursula K. Le Guin
   “The Burning Man” by Tad Williams
   “As the Wheel Turns” by Aliette de Bodard
   “The Alchemist” by Paolo Bacigalupi
   “Sandmagic” by Orson Scott Card
   “The Road to Levinshir” by Patrick Rothfuss
   “Rysn” by Brandon Sanderson
   “While the Gods Laugh” by Michael Moorcock
   “The Mother of All Russiya” by Melanie Rawn
   “Riding the Shore of the River of Death” by Kate Elliott
   “Bound Man” by Mary Robinette Kowal
   “The Narcomancer” by N.K. Jemisin
   “Strife Lingers in Memory” by Carrie Vaughn
   “The Mad Apprentice” by Trudi Canavan
   “Otherling” by Juliet Marillier
   “The Mystery Knight” by George R.R. Martin

Wandering Weeds – Tales of Rabid Vegetation – edited by Jaleta Clegg and Frances Pauli

Title: Wandering Weeds – Tales of Rabid Vegetation
Editor(s): Jaleta Clegg, Frances Pauli
Cover Artist: Jaleta Clegg, Frances Pauli
Language: English
Original Publisher: unknown (none given)
Originally Published: July 2012
Publisher: unknown (none given)
Published: December 2016
ISBN-10: 1540877949
ISBN-13: 9781540877949
Notes: No publisher given on cover, title page, or cover
   “Beyond the Fence” by Rebecca L. Brown
   “Colors of Blood” by Kevin J. Childs
   “They Call the Wind Mariah” by Jaleta Clegg
   “Duncan Derring and the Call of the Lady Luck” by Bryan Thomas Schmidt
   “Legends of the Tumbleweeds” by Duane Ackerson
   “Cowchip Charlie and the Tumbleweed Gang” by C.H. Lindsay
   “The Tumbas” by M. Pax
   “Thistle” by Terry Alexander
   “Of Weeds and Wizardry” by Berin Stephens
   “Feral Tumbleweeds” by Mo Castle
   “Earth’s New Masters” by Adriane Ceallaigh
   “Misplaced” by Voss Foster
   “Oh, Dark Tumbleweed” by Brian D. Mazur
   “Crispy Fried Pickles at the Mad Scientist Cafe” by Katherine Sanger
   “I Survived the Sargasso Sea” by Eric J. Guignard
   “The Great Tragedy of the Illustrious Empire” by Audrey Schaefer
   “Garden of Legion” by David J. West
   “Tumbleweed” by Robert Borski
   “The Souls of the Wicked” by Frances Pauli
   “Fair Weather, with a Chance of Tumbleweeds” by Andrea Tantillo
   “The Tumbleweed Woman” by V. Hynes Johnston
   “Gardening” by Ann Willows
   “Weeds” by James Hartley
   “Sleeping Beauty” by Louise Maskill
   “Desert Oracles” by Katie M. John