The Adventures of Milo and Otis

"The Adventures of Milo and Otis".

“The Adventures of Milo and Otis”.

Title: The Adventures of Milo and Otis
Starring: Dudley Moore (voiceover)
Director(s): Masanori Hata, 畑正憲
Producer(s): Masaru Kakutani, 角谷優, Satoru Ogata, 緒方悟
Music: Michael Boddicker
Studio: Columbia Pictures, Fujisankei Communications,フジサンケイグループ
Released: August 1989
Language: English
Originally Released: June 1986
Original Language: Japanese
Original Title: 子猫物語 (Koneko Monogatari)
Notes: Original release was 92 minutes, Columbia Pictures cut it down to 77 minutes.

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