The Vast Spread of the Seas by Fuyumi Ono

"The Twelve Kingdoms - The Vast Spread of the Seas" by Fuyumi Ono.

“The Twelve Kingdoms – The Vast Spread of the Seas” by Fuyumi Ono.

Title: The Vast Spread of the Seas
Series: The Twelve Kingdoms
Number in Series: 3 (three)
Author(s): Fuyumi Ono, 小野不由美
Translator(s): Elye J. Alexander, Alexander O. Smith
Cover Artist: Akihiro Yamada, 山田章博
Interior Artist(s): Akihiro Yamada, 山田章博
Language: English
Original Language: Japanese
Original Title: 東の海神 西の滄海 (Higashi no Watatsumi, Nishi no Sōkai)
Original Publisher: Kodansha, 講談社
Originally Published: June 1994
Publisher: Tokyopop
Published: March 2009
ISBN-10: 1598169483
ISBN-13: 9781598169485

Sea of Wind by Fuyumi Ono

Title: Sea of Wind
Series: The Twelve Kingdoms
Number in Series: 2 (two)
Author(s): Fuyumi Ono, 小野不由美
Translator(s): Elye J. Alexander, Alexander O. Smith
Cover Artist: Akihiro Yamada, 山田章博
Interior Artist(s): Akihiro Yamada, 山田章博
Language: English
Original Language: Japanese
Original Title: 風の海 迷宮の岸 (Kaze no Umi, Meikyū no Kishi)
Original Publisher: Kodansha, 講談社
Originally Published: March 1993
Publisher: Tokyopop
Published: March 2008
ISBN-10: 1598169475
ISBN-13: 9781598169478
Notes: Originally published in Japanese as two volumes.

Sea of Shadow by Fuyumi Ono

"The Twelve Kingdoms - Sea of Shadow" by Fuyumi Ono.

“The Twelve Kingdoms – Sea of Shadow” by Fuyumi Ono.

Title: Sea of Shadow
Series: The Twelve Kingdoms
Number in Series: 1 (one)
Author(s): Fuyumi Ono, 小野不由美
Translator(s): Elye J. Alexander, Alexander O. Smith
Cover Artist: Akihiro Yamada, 山田章博
Interior Artist(s): Akihiro Yamada, 山田章博
Language: English
Original Language: Japanese
Original Title: 月の影 影の海 (Tsuki no Kage, Kage no Umi)
Original Publisher: Kodansha, 講談社
Originally Published: June 1992
Publisher: Tokyopop
Published: March 2007
ISBN-10: 1598169467
ISBN-13: 9781598169461
Notes: Originally published in Japanese as two volumes.